Material: Plastic
Brand: Bhumika
Uses: Packaging
Color: Transparent
The slider zipper bags are an innovative polythene bag to work with. It helps keep things organized and safe. With zip lock bags’ aid, you can store your little ornaments in your little foreign coin collection. With its moisture lock feature, you can always be hundred percent sure of your cookie’s food quality. Also, you can marinade food for hours, and even days using our slider zipper bags. For an emergency trip, you can take your toothpaste, soap, and other “Handle with care” items in the slider zipper bags and be tension-free. Bhumika offers you to get the best quality zipper poly bag to keep your books safe.
ধুলোবালি কিংবা ময়লা থেকে আপনার বইগুলো কে যত্নে রাখতে জিপার পলিব্যাগ গুলো নিতে পারেন। ময়লা থেকে বইগুলো কে রাখুন চকচকে ও পরিস্কার।